srpen 2024

Někdo se v létě topí v moři, já se topil v datech. Když jsem se netopil, byl jsem pryč. Konference v Dublinu, dovolená vlakem v Polsku a v Litvě. Díky tomu jsem měl spoustu času na čtení.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow jsem četl, když jsem byl ve Varšavě podívat se za kamarády.

“At a certain age–in Sadie’s case, thirty-four–there comes a time when life largely consists of having meals with old friends who are passing through town.”

Přečetl jsem knihu o ludditech Blood in the Machine,

“Frankenstein directly engages with the forces driving the evolution of the modern world, and offers the most trenchant critique of the men concerned with doing the evolving. It’s a parable of the hubris of those who would carelessly bend technology to their personal purposes. […] Frankenstein is usually a corporation, or a tech bro. "

Speaking of vampires, Kyla Scanlon v In this economy zas píše:

“Using a home as an investment vehicle isn’t great, because it creates a vampiric housing market built on value extraction. When it gets bubbly, it gets inflationary, too.”

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